I'm a PhD student at Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay) under the supervision of Alain Finkel, Patrick Paroubek and Lina Ye since 2022.

For research or teaching purposes, please contact me at: gustave.cortal (at) ens-paris-saclay (dot) fr.

Teaching experience

Primary Instructor, 'Natural Language Processing', École Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées, 2024. Semester-long course to 70 final-year engineering students (30h). The course, cited in the French journal Le Monde, is entirely made by myself, with slides and exercises available on my Github.

Primary Instructor, 'Statistical Learning with R', École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, 2023. Semester-long computer science course to 25 Normalien students in economics (21h). The course is entirely made by myself with slides, exercises, and exams available on my Github

Teaching Assistant, 'Algorithms and Complexity', CentraleSupélec, 2022. Semester-long course to 30 engineering students (21h).

Student supervision

Nicolas Richet (M2, National School of Computer Science for Industry and Business). 'Multimodal Emotion Analysis' (co-supervised with Eric Granger and Muhammad Haseeb Aslam). March - Jul 2024.

Utkarsh Pant (2nd year Bachelor, Bombay Indian Institute of Technology). 'Natural Language Processing and Formal Methods' (co-supervised with Alain Finkel). May - Jul 2024.

Racha Hachem (M1, Paris-Saclay University). 'Imageability Prediction in Emotional Narratives' (co-supervised with Alain Finkel). May - Sep 2023.


Gustave Cortal. Mar 2024. Automatisation du codage des personnages et de leurs émotions dans les récits de rêves avec des modèles de langue [Sequence-to-Sequence Language Models for Character and Emotion Detection in Dream Narratives]. In 'Traitement Automatique des Langues', Volume 65, Numéro 1 : Varia, pages 11-35, France. ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues).

International conferences

Gustave Cortal. Mar 2024. Sequence-to-Sequence Language Models for Character and Emotion Detection in Dream Narratives. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pages 14717–14728, Torino, Italy. ELRA and ICCL.

Gustave Cortal, Alain Finkel, Patrick Paroubek, Lina Ye. May 2023. Emotion Recognition based on Psychological Components in Guided Narratives for Emotion Regulation. In Proceedings of the 7th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, pages 72–81, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Association for Computational Linguistics. slidesvideo.

Gustave Cortal, Alain Finkel, Patrick Paroubek, Lina Ye. Sep 2022. Natural Language Processing for Cognitive Analysis of Emotions. Semantics, Memory, and Emotion, Paris, France. slides.

National conferences

Constant Bonard and Gustave Cortal. Jun 2024. Améliorer les modèles de langue pour l'analyse des émotions : perspectives venant des sciences cognitives. In Actes de JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2024. Actes de la 31e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), volume 3 : prises de position en TAL, Paris, France. ATALA.


Gustave Cortal, Alain Finkel, Patrick Paroubek, Lina Ye. Jul 2023. Automatisation du codage des récits de rêve : une approche basée sur la génération de paraphrases. Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions, Strasbourg, France.

Gustave Cortal, Alain Finkel, Patrick Paroubek, Lina Ye. Jan 2023. Détection de l'émotion à partir de ses composantes dans des récits émotionnels. Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Lyon, France.

Gustave Cortal, Alain Finkel, Patrick Paroubek, Lina Ye. Sep 2022. Natural Language Processing for Cognitive Analysis of Emotions. Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group, Rovereto, Italy.


Gustave Cortal. May 2024. Statistical Language Modeling: from N-grams to Transformers. Tutorial for Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence working group of Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (ENS Paris-Saclay). slides. video.

Gustave Cortal. Feb 2024. Natural Language Processing: Perspectives on Emotion Analysis, Seminar of Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (ENS Paris-Saclay). slides. video.

Gustave Cortal and Constant Bonard. Jan 2024. Large Language Models and Emotional Understanding, Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy group at Institut Jean-Nicod (EHESS, ENS Ulm). slides.

Gustave Cortal. Dec 2022. Automatic identification of emotions and their causes in texts, Doctoral Students Day 2nd edition (DATAIA). slides. 


All models trained for my research are made publicly available on Hugging Face.

Gustave Cortal. Aug 2023. Language model for character and emotion prediction in dream narratives and +27,000 annotated dream narratives (+600 downloads).

Gustave Cortal, Alain Finkel, Patrick Paroubek, Lina Ye. Nov 2022. Language model for emotion component prediction and language model for discrete emotion prediction in French emotional narratives (+200 downloads).

Gustave Cortal. Mar 2022. Language model for generating French headlines related to Covid-19 (+1100 downloads). This model has been trained on an internal dataset containing over 40,000 unique news articles related to Covid-19 from more than 50 French-speaking online newspapers. Generation examples are available here.

Gustave Cortal. Mar 2022. Notebook for finetuning large language models with Low-Rank Adaptation and 8-bit quantization (+60 stars). One of the first implementations of LoRA, before it was implemented on well-known libraries (eg., PEFT).