Interoception, Diacritic, Contronym, Anisotropy, Graphorrhea, Allocentrism, Hysteresis, Technomancy, Thesaurus, Psychogeny, Organismic, Teleosemantic, Incoercible, Myopic, Netocracy, Cyberdeutocracy, Ecofascism, Cryptohistory, Hodologic, Connectomics, Apophenia, Dipolar theism, Theopoesis, Tetractys, Autologism, Epistemophilia, Chronobiology, Mechanophobia, Préfrontal analysis, Albedo, Affect logic, Force dynamics, Capgras syndrome, Flooding (psychology), Deixis, Ideographic approach, Diaphanie, Parousie, Apologétique, Brancardier, Concupiscence, Sacerdoce, Soteriology, Boutre, Orthotenie, Manticore, Baba yaga, Mariophanie, Simiesque, Groggy, Epistémicide, Bisociation, Figement, Isotopy (linguistics), Apotropaic, Phytophagy, Cladistics, Orgology, Coding Kata, Minification, Coalescence, Kata, Kyudo, Code golf, Isogeny, Cogency, Homoousia, Lipogramme, Psychastenie, Thetique, Carte hodologique, Hylé, Morne, Entoptique, Sycophancy, Conflation, Hebephrenic, Plasma, Forclusion, Emotional stroop, veilléité, Apostolic, Abreaction, Cryptarque, Doppelganger, Logion, Apophtegme, Heresiologue, Supersessionisme, Pentarchie, Synapomorphie, Marronnage / Feralisation, Synanthropic, Zootechnie, Sheol, Orogenesis, hypoxia, Bön, Gigantomachie, Titanomachie, Ecphorie, Diurne, Lunaison, Archeoastronomie, Laminage, Volition, Obturer, Perezhivanie, Transient lunar phenomenon, Epiphragme, Dilettante, Gémellaire, Vinothèque, Akrasia, Erotomanie, Cyclothymie, Eutrophisation, Hypoxique, Explicandum, Proxémie, Chronemics, Fuligineux, Doxodrame, Dyssynchronie, Theophore, Audisme, Mafiogène, Felix Culpa, Sanhédrin, En Sof, Explananda, Explanans, Zymology, Caodaïsme, Desiderata, Acrostiche, Kakemphaton, Telestiche, Acroteleuton, Stomatologie, Psychonetique, Cryptophasie, Cosmic inflation, Homodiegetic, Metafiction, Récit-cadre, Diégèse, Phylactère, Astroturfing, Shemitah, Acrimonie, Calabi-Yau manifold, Soliloque, Stealth marketing, Sophisti-pop, Crunckcore, Sibylline, Arcologie, Poldérisation, Parthénogenèse, Inféodation, Chrono-urbanisme, Circumambulation, Folie à deux, Ataxie, Photophobie, Diplopie, Cycloplégie, Phophobie, Misophonie, Allodynie, Hyperesthésie, Hyperacousie, Isotype, Pyrogène, Kōan, Ainséité, Theosis, Nepsis, Hesychasm, Acedia, Prelest, Henosis, Autophany, Monolatry, Henology, Fanaa, Imiaslavie, Macrobiotique, Anātman, Ecoumène, Mésologie, Cosmophanie, Chiliocosme, Xylographie, Meontology, Kenosis, Psychoastasie, Iatrogénie, Moxibustion, Schadenfreude, Compersion, Somesthésie, Agueusie, Anosmie, Aréologie, Rhéologie, Aérologie, Cladistique, Nosologie, Kessler Syndrome, Earworm, Palinacousis, Parataxe, Origo, Enjambment (linguistics), Akathisie, Vasomotion, Angiogenesis, Assortativity, Yidam, Tiroir verbal, Aoristic aspect, Glose, Gestion cynégétique, Saphisme, Admonester, Exophoric, Cataphoric, Implicature (pragmatics), Pro-form, Troponyme, Boulomaic, Aktionsart, Semelfactive, Philatelic, Nociception, Onirology, Thoughtography, Xenoglossy, Dowsing, Alien hand syndrome, Seme, Psychography, Cryptomnesia, Phrenology, Tulpa, Christ pantocrator, Cubomania, Hitsuzendo, Anti-roman, Ergodic literature, Cleromancy, Astragalomancy, Slipstream genre, Bildungsroman, Asemic writing, Asemia, Writer's block, Dark retreat, Rainbow body, Entoptic lights, Kerygma, Graphotherapy, Biopsie, Aphantasia, Lépidoptériste, Paideia, Gymnosophiste, Hybristophilie, Vitriolage, Enjo kōsai, Angst, Soliloquy, Emotionology, Logorrhée, Troglodyte, Monoglossic, Heteroglossic, Schizophasie, Sismotherapie, Introjection, Abstrus, Röntgenthérapie, Curiethérapie, Acmé, Semantic Satiation, Gestaltzerfall, Asyndesis, Knight's move thinking, Train of thought, Roman-fleuve, Intonarumori, Scrying, Solecism, Cryptotype, Animacy, Weasel words, Auriculothérapie, Iridologie, Tetramorphe, Cruciphère, Christomorphique, Evangéliaire, Horror vacui, Page-tapis, Idiopathique, Psychogénéalogie, Bremermann's limit, Calabiyau manifold, Transcomputational problem, Mandorle, Verbicruciste, Sémaphore, Epitaxie, Logomachy, Decellularization, Langue macaronique, Empyrée, Terribilità, Gorpcore, Zoanthropy, Doxology, Neurasthenia, Morita Therapy, Anastomosis, Anastylosis, Déclivité, Perfidy, Philoxenie, Holorymes, Tikkoun Olam, Makyō

 You guys are tripping.. inner body experience Huh try that can't believe how much u all miss the point.. what you look like ? Where does the light come from when Ur eyes are shut ... If u want Ur dharma Kaya bliss u gonna have to try harder than this .... Bon Po .... Etheric double...zig zag zen ... Be here now... Perennial philosophy.. catch up please Om